It is a fact, generally admitted by the jurists, that the ex--sovereigns who have not resigned to their pretensions, conserve all its rights, among them, denominated “the phons honorum” that allows them to create Knights in its Orders of Merit. Therefore the “international status” of an Order of cavalry rests on the right of “phons honorum” of which the weathervane with I title of Great Master.
C) It is organized traditionally in Christian form of Chivalrous Order, like an Order Equestrian of Mercy and, also, as an Order dedicated to the cure and the attendance of the poor man and the needed one. The Order is dedicated specially to the attendance of the patients, according to the opinions that regulate the cavalry, following in the centuries the Word of Christ, under the form of the Christian faith; acquiring form and character of Catholic Confraternity Order.
C) The Order has its origin in the mariano cult of the Virgin of Bonaria.
According to the legend in 1370 a boat that partio of Spain was surprised by a storm; the sailors decided to throw to the sea all the load among them a heavy box. Hardly the box was thrown to the sea, the storm calmed. The box arrived therefore at Cágliri, right under the hill of Bonaria; the friars of the convent, when opening it were with a wood statue of Virgin Maria that tapeworm in a hand to the Boy Jesus and in a other ignited candle. The devotion to the miraculous statue spread immediately in all Sardinia, specially between the sailors who invoke it like protector.
Of Sardinia, possession of the crown of Aragón at that time (today Italy), passage to Spain taken by the sailors and navigators, by the captives redeemed by the mercedarios and the civilian authorities and ecclesiastical that came from the peninsula.
It was as well as in Seville this devotion in the Brotherhood of Spanish mareantes had its greater root that, from their neighboring port, put to sea unknown in fragile ships in the direction of the new world. Thus I arrive at our beaches with the expedition from Don Pedro de Mendoza who, when founding the harbor establishment of our future great Argentina capital, the 2 of February of 1536, put the name to him of Santa Maria from the Good Ayre to the port, taken by its devotion towards the Mother of God and by the advice of both mercedarios which they accompanied it. The 11 of June of 1580 Don Juan de Garay “being in this port of Santa Maria de Buenos Ayres” came with all solemnity to found the city “that intituló of the Trinidad”.
The Order of Knights of Our Lady, Santa Maria of Buenos Aires - O.S.M.B.A. - development during the time of the Virreyes of the River of the Silver, integrating it destacadísimos hidalgos, all of them Horsemen of enormous mariano fervor; induced sleep it remained “in pectore ET in potentia”, under the care of the Law of Hidalgos of the River of the Silver.
The 8 of December of 2003 (day of the Immaculate Conception), the Orderrefounded and was restored by Don Rubén Alberto de Gavaldá, renewing the force, the push and the mariano fervor of its origins; placing it under the protection of glorious San Martin de Tours.
All the members of the Order will be believing medical instructors of the Christian and catholic faith.
All the members of the Order will have to concur with their lives, luck and honors, to sustain the principles of the Christianity; and they will ahead declare of all his determination to live and to die following the lessons of Christ and His s Holy Church.
1 - The Greater Gloria to God
2 Collaborate with the spiritual growth of the humanity
3 Recognize in the man the function of guard of the rest of the creation
4 Help to the humanity in its passage by the Earth
5 Brotherhood between the Brothers of the Order and these and other Orders who also feel love for Saint Mary in anyone of their invocations
6 Continue to recreate a mind, a heart and a spirit pure and opened to receive better what God wished to send to us.
1) To believe, to respect and to love with Loyalty the Unique God, One and Trino, fact Man in Jesus the Christ, Emmanuel, Merciful, Powerful to do of all the temporary, spiritual and eternal things
2) To defend justice
3) To protect to weak, orphaned, widows, defenseless, captive and needed
4) To fight to surpass the materialism, the impiety and the tyranny in the modern world
5) To defend the sanctity of the individual
6) To consider the Ladies and Knights of the Order like a brothers in Christ
7) To be faithful to the truth and to respect the pawned word; to avoid the rumor, the gossip and the wickedness of the people
8) To honor Virgin, Mother of Christ
The Signal de la Cruz and the formula “In the name of God, One and Trio and of the Virgin Maria de Bonaria " it will have to precede each official action of the Order.
- 2 of February, imposition of the name of “Port of Santa Maria of the Good Ayre” to the future Capital City of the Argentine Republic, by Don Pedro de Mendoza in 1536 A.D., First Foundation of Buenos Aires
- 24 of April, Celebration of Ntra. Mrs. of Buenos Aires
- 15 of August, Celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin to Skies
- 11 of November, Celebration of San Martin de Tours, First Employer of the City of Good Airs and Protector of the Order
- 8 of December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and Celebration of the Restoration of the Order.
A) The Order will be divided in dependent National Jurisdictions of the Great Teaching, that will have equal dignity and importance although they are called with different names: Grand Priory, Baliato, Commendatory, according to the case.
B) A Commendatory could be subdivided in fractions smaller calls Delegations, that will not be independent and will depend on corresponding Grand Priory, Bailiato or Commendatory.
C) The Grand Priory implies the jurisdiction in a country, must include/understand a minimum of 10 Horsemen.
D) The Grand Baliato implies the jurisdiction of a Region or Province, must include/understand a minimum of 5 Horsemen, depends on the Grand Priory.
E) The Commendatory implies the jurisdiction of a locality of the Region or Province; it must include/understand a minimum of 3 Horsemen, depends on the Grand Bailiato.
H) The Hereditary Commendatory depends directly on the Great Teaching and not on the Jurisdiction in whose territory it is.